Friday, May 30, 2008

How To-2: "How to Write a Great Short Story"

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Have you ever read a story and thought, "Wow, I wish I could do that!"? Well, you can. Follow the steps below and you will see that anyone can write an awesome short story!


  1. Read a short story or two, or three. Some examples: The Lady and the Tiger, The Confidence Game, The Emperor's New Clothes.
  2. Identify components like the climax, main character, and conflict while reading. This will boost your knowledge in short stories.
  3. Start your story!
  4. Think of a main character,conflict, climax, setting. Using worksheets or just thinking a lot about your story is good.
  5. Write the exposition of the story. That's when character's are introduced and setting is introduced. Short stories usually follow the format in these steps.
  6. Transition into writing the rising action. Think about the climax while you write it.
  7. Write the climax! Make your climax dramatic and interesting. It should be the turning point in your story!
  8. Continue with the falling action. This should consist of only a few, less dramatic events.
  9. Write your conclusion/resolution. This should tie up all loose ends, or at least leave the reader happy!
  10. Let family/friends/teachers read and edit your writing. Listen to ALL constructive criticism.
  11. Read your story often to ensure it is how you want it to be.
  12. Type up a final copy! Show it off to everyone!


  • Everything that happens in the story should matter... it should affect the conflict. Don't have "fluff" in your story!
  • Make sure your conflict is clear. Don't have a confusing story!
  • Take into consideration everything your readers tell you.
  • Add lots of details for setting.
  • Characterize your characters with dialogue, appearance, thoughts, and/or actions.
  • Have fun! Be confident even through the beginning stages!


  • Be careful of "fluff".
  • When you're stuck, don't just drop the story. KEEP WRITING IT!

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil & paper if doing rough draft by hand
  • Computer
  • Family/friends/teachers
  • Short stories to read
  • A brain that's willing to work!!
  • Lots of Confidence

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Write a Great Short Story. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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