human race came into existence, before there were days and nights, before the
universe was created, there was life.
This Life was self-sufficient. It
didn't need anything, or anyone else in order to live. In fact, this Life had
always existed and would always exist. Life was Spirit. Spirit doesn't consist
of matter. At times spirit is compared to the wind. You can't see spirit, you
can't smell spirit and you can't taste spirit, but, like the invisible wind,
you can often feel the power of spirit and see the result of its actions.
This pre-existing Spirit was of the
God kind and two are revealed, God, and the Word who was, and is, also God.
GOD has always, and will always,
possess mind and power superior to His creation. Using His superior power God
brought other spirit composed beings into existence. These spirit beings,
called angels, were each created with free moral agency. They had minds with
which to reason and make choices. Among the spirit beings brought into
existence were three mighty archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer.
Some time after the creation of the
angelic realm the God kind created the physical universe. Upon its completion
God's angels shouted with joy.
Lucifer, as one of God's mightiest
spiritual creations, was given great position and authority.
But, after an unrevealed amount of
time, Lucifer grew vain and dissatisfied with what God had given him. He wanted
Through smooth lies and crafty deceit
he planted the bitter seeds of discontent that grew, until a third of the
angels were convinced that they should join Lucifer in rebelling against the
very God that had given them life. Together they mounted an attack on God's
heavenly throne. War raged in the universe.
When the great battle was over
Lucifer, now called Satan the devil, and his angels, now classified as demons,
were cast back down to the earth. An earth that had been created prefect was
now in a state of waste and confusion.
Electronic Bible Stories From Genesis
Written for Teens and Older Children
Grateful thanks to Antelope eBooks.com and Project Gutenberg.
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