Friday, May 30, 2008

How To-3: "How to Appreciate the Message That Is Being Revealed in Short Stories"

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

The messages of some short stories can sometimes be a little complex and indirect for the readers to appreciate. However, follow these set of instructions when you read your favorite short story and you will definitely be able to appreciate and discover the true beauty of the message that is being revealed.


  1. Read the story first for pleasure alone. Read the story a second time for the analytical reading.
  2. Read the title and try to interpret and any images that come to mind to help you predict what the plot of the story may be.
  3. While reading, look for some of the following literary techniques: irony, climax, metaphors, imagery, similes, and foreshadowing.
  4. Understand the author's intended purpose by noticing: the tone, the conflict, the solution, the setting, and the type of narration the author uses.
  5. Intrepret the story's message and begin to appreciate the beauty and understanding of it.


  • If you come across any words that you do not understand make sure to use your dictionary for a clear meaning of the word.
  • Make sure you read at a slow pace in order to get a better and full comprehension of the story. Don't rush to the end!
  • Reading out loud can help you enjoy the story, keep you aware of any literary techniques, and keep you concentrated.
  • Highlighting sections or words can help you identity areas you want to examine more closely.
  • Relating the message of the story to personal experiences and lessons learned can help you appreciate the beauty of the messages more.

Things You'll Need

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